
How to get to Moscow from SVO/DME/VKO

Few years ago if you haven`t booked a taxi in advance you had only one option - take a taxi in the airport. People were suffering from illegal taxi drivers who were catching them after a luggage line saying that there is no other way to reach Moscow and their price is the lowest. Of course, they never mentioned the final price of a ride and in the end the passengers got a bad surprise asking to pay an enormous amount of money. They still doing it so be afraid of these guys who is trying to help you with your luggage and promising you the best price - they are always lying.

So, how to deal with it? How to manage to get to Moscow from Sheremetyevo/Domodedovo/Vnukovo airports and not pay a lot?
I`d like to provide you with the several ways. See below.


Aeroexpress it`s a train from three main Moscow airports to the different city`s districts. It brings you to one of the stations of Moscow Metro.
From Sheremetyevo (SVO) to Belorusskaya metro station
From Domodedovo (DME) to Paveletskayametro station
From Vnukovo (VKO) to Kiyevskaya metro station.

One way ticket costs 420 RUB/person.
Usually a first train departures from an airport at 5 am and the last train departures at 0:30 but you should check the timetable on the official web site (En) - sometimes it changes.
It`s not crowded, clean, fast (35 mins for the whole journey) easy to use and easy to find - just follow this sign:
Or just find the direction to the train station on the web site - e.g. for SVO.
Another good thing about Aeroexpress is that the time of journey doesn`t depend on traffic because usually roads are really busy.


If you`re going to live in an apartment booked on airbnb.com you could ask your host to book you a taxi, it should cost less than 1,5 thousands rubles.
Or you should book a taxi at special desks in the airports` terminal only. 
If you use Uber or GetTaxi you could try to book a car after getting your luggage. These services perfectly works in Moscow and few other Russian cities. 
Also, a taxi driver could ask you do you want to go using toll roads. In 2016 it costs from 100 RUB (12pm-6am) up to 250 RUB. It`s worth it (if it`s not late night) so save your time and you toll roads.

Shuttle Bus

The cheapest transport to Moscow from an airport is shuttle bus. It costs about 200 RUB. You could find it near the parking space in front of the airport building. 
For example, there is the location of the shuttle bus station in Domodedovo. This bus will get you to Domodedovskaya metro station. 
Working hours: 6 am - 12 pm. Every 15 mins (information taken from the official DME web site).
But if you arrive between 12pm and 6am you could catch a shuttle taxi. The interval should about 40 mins but it`s the cheapest way to get to Moscow - price is under 200 RUB (with no additional charge for luggage). 

So, this is it. Hope it`ll help you and make your visit to Moscow nice and comfortable. 

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