
How to get to Moscow from SVO/DME/VKO

Few years ago if you haven`t booked a taxi in advance you had only one option - take a taxi in the airport. People were suffering from illegal taxi drivers who were catching them after a luggage line saying that there is no other way to reach Moscow and their price is the lowest. Of course, they never mentioned the final price of a ride and in the end the passengers got a bad surprise asking to pay an enormous amount of money. They still doing it so be afraid of these guys who is trying to help you with your luggage and promising you the best price - they are always lying.

So, how to deal with it? How to manage to get to Moscow from Sheremetyevo/Domodedovo/Vnukovo airports and not pay a lot?
I`d like to provide you with the several ways. See below.

How to get to Moscow from SVO/DME/VKO

Few years ago if you haven`t booked a taxi in advance you had only one option - take a taxi in the airport. People were suffering from illegal taxi drivers who were catching them after a luggage line saying that there is no other way to reach Moscow and their price is the lowest. Of course, they never mentioned the final price of a ride and in the end the passengers got a bad surprise asking to pay an enormous amount of money. They still doing it so be afraid of these guys who is trying to help you with your luggage and promising you the best price - they are always lying.

So, how to deal with it? How to manage to get to Moscow from Sheremetyevo/Domodedovo/Vnukovo airports and not pay a lot?
I`d like to provide you with the several ways. See below.


How to drive in Russia

So, you are coming to the Russian Federation and you want to drive car here to be independent and avoid of crowded public transport. No problems, there are few tips for you which will help you understand some specific rules and traditions.
The first question that usually a foreigner has when he`s going to drive a car in the other country is "Does my driver license fit for this country?". For Russia it`s usually "Yes". Based on this answer published on the official site of GIBDD (Main Directorate for Road Traffic Safety - Traffic Police) your Driver Licence (DL) is valid in the RF if your country accept Russian DL. Also, you have to have a paper with translation in Russian of your DL in case your DL is not written in Latin letters or doesn`t has a translation in Latin on it (hope, it`s clear).
It`s valid in Russia
So, you`ve got a valid DL. Now you need a car. I suppose you`re going to rent a car so there are plenty of car rental companies. For example, now Hertz has offices in Moscow, St Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Kazan and in 14 cities more.


Moscow Metro

How Metro is unfriendly to english speakers

I live in Moscow almost all my life and for me Metro is the main transport that I use for commuting. It`s fast and cheap while it allows you to reach almost everything you need across Moscow. But it`s really low-adopted for tourists. Only few years ago Moscow Metro got a map where you could find name of the stations in English and only some trains have voice announcements in English (the next station is ...). But if you are on a station and you want to understand which way you should take (left platform or right) it`s absolutely impossible to guess because we don`t translate the names of the stations which on the navigate "line" on the tunnel wall and also, we don`t even translate the name of the exact station! So, you can`t even understand where you are :)
Guess what the name of this station...

...or what way (platform) should you chose to reach Arbatskaya station